Love ‘Em or Hate ‘Em, Every Year, Squirrels Are Appreciated
January 21 is Squirrel Appreciation Day. Whether you love them or hate them, you have to admit they serve an essential role in maintaining the ecosystem. (And, they’re so darn cute.) Squirrels are great at engaging humans and it could be debated whether those who interact regularly with humans are the trained or the trainee. They are among the most popular animal species to watch; a quick search reveals an official Squirrel Lovers Club and squirrel watching clubs at UConn and Cornell. Part of the charm of these rodents lies in their fearlessness and curiosity about humans as well as the fact that they are especially vocal. Their repertory of…
Those Frightening Shrieks Are Really Love Songs
What was that noise? An overactive imagination? It’s after dark, but that was definitely a shriek. It didn’t really sound human, more like a bird or maybe a cat. But birds aren’t usually active at night, and this is the suburbs; there are no cats large enough for that sound. There it goes again. What IS it? Most likely, it’s a fox. While your kids may have convinced you that you know what the fox says, I assure you, until you have heard it for yourself, you have no idea what sort of sound a fox makes. Pennsylvania is home to both the Eastern Red Fox and the Gray Fox. …
The “Nest Best Thing” in Montgomery County, New Audubon Museum Has Something for Everyone
The new museum at the John James Audubon Center at Mill Grove seamlessly blends art and nature into an education center that is sure to create a new generation of birders. The result of 15 years of planning, the new jewel in the Mill Grove site demonstrates the best possible result of a public/private collaboration. Funding for the museum came from local and state government as well as contributions from private individuals and foundation supporters. Representatives from the local and national Audubon Societies as well as local officials were actively involved in the planning process which has been well thought out and executed. With a design reminiscent of a bird…
The Ruffed Grouse, an American Native
Like many states, Pennsylvania has a state bird, but it’s likely few residents could identify one if they saw it. The Pennsylvania legislature names the Ruffed Grouse state bird on July 22, 1931, which was relied on by early settlers as a food source. While we know that Mrs. Harry J. Shoemaker, Chairman of Birds and Flowers, as well as the officers of the State Federation of Women’s Clubs encouraged this choice, but there appears to be no record of why they were so enamored with this particular bird. The Ruffed Grouse is one of 10 native grouse species native to the U.S. They live in 38 states, mostly in…
White Tailed Deer Are Part of Pennsylvania’s History
The White Tailed Deer was named the official state animal on October 2, 1959. As found in the Pennsylvania Statutes, Title 71, Chapter 6, Section 1007: The whitetail deer is an animal that is found in abundance in the wooded areas of our Commonwealth and has played an integral part in solving the problem of survival of our early settlers and Indian population. The “whitetail,” as it is affectionately referred to, is a proud and noble animal possessing intelligence, endurance and character. Therefore, the “whitetail deer” is selected, designated and adopted as the official State animal of this Commonwealth. These deer are tan or brown in summer, and grayish brown…