Latest Past Events

Naturalist Foray: Birds and their Songs

Peace Valley Nature Center 170 Chapman Road, Doylestown

Visit the bird blind and then walk the trails looking for spring migrants and those hearty birds that remained all winter. Bring your binoculars if you have them. NO FEE: Pre-registration Required

Croaks and Trills – A Frog & Toad Search

Peace Valley Nature Center 170 Chapman Road, Doylestown

Come slosh with us as we traverse the trails to the place where the frogs and toads are. Learn about their habits and habitats. It may be muddy (tis, spring you know), so be aware of the possibility of wet conditions. Rain date - May 21 Family $10; Individual $5 (Members No Fee) Pre-registration required/limited spaces

Naturalist Foray

A family fun afternoon to see what is happening at the Nature Center. What creatures are out and about? What’s blooming? No dogs allowed. Inclement weather cancels the event. Pre-registration needed/limited spaces