Chester Valley Trail Connects Counties, Improves Accessibility
The Chester Valley Trail Extension is officially open for business. Though skies were gray and threatening, the rain held off, allowing local dignitaries to officially open the newest Philly-area trail. This paved path connects the Chester Valley and Schuylkill River Trails, providing a continuous hiking and biking route from Chester County to the Philadelphia Art Museum. Connecting Trails, and Counties The Philadelphia area is home to hundreds of miles of trails, but few are connected. Now two of the area’s most popular trails have been linked, providing greater opportunity for residents who want an alternative way to get around or simply easier access to more places to explore. Most of…
Audubon Loop Provides Easy Access to Nature
The Philly burbs have an abundance of hiking options for hikers of all abilities. A few weeks ago, we decided to head out, with a few requirements. We needed to be relatively close to Norristown, we wanted something we could easily complete in a couple hours and we needed a stroller-friendly trail. We found all this in the Audubon Loop in Oaks. After parking at the Pawlings Road Trailhead parking lot, we took a look at the posted map and headed to our right, toward Pawlings Rd., and then turned left to go over Rt 422. Though this section was rather sunny, after we walked past St. Gabriel’s residential treatment…